
The Reviews list allows you to see a list of all reviews in a Draft, Open, or Completed status. Archived reviews may also be displayed by selecting the Show Archived Quick Filter (just above the list).

To see the Reviews list, go to the Manage menu on the main screen and select Reviews.


Creating a Review - Process Overview

Whether it's your first review within Permission Assist or whether you're a seasoned pro, sometimes it’s nice to have a checklist of the process from beginning to end. This checklist provides a high-level list of the process and steps to take before, during, and after your review.

Send an email to reviewers letting them know that a review will be started soon. Provide a clear goal of completion, such as an end date and time

NOTE:Permission Assist will automatically send this notification for you if the “Email reviewers a pre-start notice of an upcoming review on [date]” option on the Settings tab of the review is selected.

Import privileges for each application you plan to include in the review (Manage > Applications > click on the application > Import Privileges)

NOTE: If you are using automatic imports, this step may already be done for you.

Create and start the review (Manage > Reviews)

Let reviewers know that the review has started.

NOTE: Permission Assist will automatically send this notification for you if the “Email reviewers summarizing their responsibilities on review start” option on the Settings tab of the review is selected.

If you prefer to send your own notifications, you may want to consider including the following information:

  • Remind them of the timeline for completing review tasks (provide a specific date or range of time)

  • Provide the URL they will use to log into Permission Assist

  • Include a friendly reminder that they can use their regular Windows username and password to log in to Permission Assist

  • Attach the reviewer handout to provide a brief set of instructions and helpful review reminders; if you don't already have a handout and would like one, contact to request one

While the review is open, each reviewer completes their assigned review items (My Taskboards > Review Items). Refer to the Reviewer's Guide for more information.

Review pending responses (Manage > Reviews > click on the open review > Pending Responses) on a regular basis to see who has outstanding review items, and send reminder emails, if needed.

NOTE:Permission Assist will automatically send this notification for you if the “Email security team members when all of the review items have been completed” option on the Settings tab of the review is selected.

As reviewers work on their review items, they may send some items to the Provision Team for changes. Provision team members are responsible for completing access requests (My Taskboards > Access Requests).

When all tasks have been completed, complete the review (Manage > Reviews > click on the review > Complete Review button).

Optional - print reports for auditing purposes (Manage > Reviews > click on the review > Reports tab)

NOTE: All information related to the review is saved with the review (including the files imported for each application, comments, and audit logs) so you can go back to see the information and print reports later, if needed.