Assign an Application User Type

The application "Type" can be used to filter a list of review items. For example, if you are required to review your service accounts or vendor accounts on a regular basis, the review can be set up to show only application users that have a specific type.

To assign a type, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Applications list, select the application.

  2. Select the Users tab.

  3. Select a user. The detail panel appears.

  4. Select the Unknown link next to the Type property (see picture below).

    The Change Type box appears.

  5. Within the Select a type field, select a type from the drop-down list (see picture below).

  6. Select the Change button. The new Type is displayed in the Info tab (see picture below).

    TIP: The Type is also included on the Application Users report as the Account Type.


Change the Application User Type

To change the application user type, complete the following steps:

  1. Within the Users tab, select a user.

  2. Select the link next to "Type" within the Info tab in the detail panel (see picture below).

    The Change Type window appears.

  3. Select the Select a type field and pick the type from the list.

  4. Select the Change button. The new type is displayed within the Info tab.