Manually Sync a Directory Source

Directory sources will automatically update Identities based on the schedule defined within the Rules tab in the directory source; however, you can manually sync Identities at any time by completing the following steps:

  1. From the Directory Sources list (System Configuration cogwheel > Directory Sources) select the directory source you want to sync.

  2. Select the Synchronize Directory button in the upper right corner of the page and select Update Now. The "Is This A Test" box appears.

  3. If you'd like to run a test sync, select the "I am verifying settings; do NOT merge..." checkbox. Using this option is recommended if:

    1. You are still working on the initial configuration of Permission Assist.

    2. You are making changes to the configuration rule and you want to know how those changes will impact your Identities list.

  4. Select the Update button. If you did a test sync, review the Principles and Groups tabs to see how the settings and rules will affect the Identities list. Then, continue to review the Principles Tab and run test syncs until you're ready to officially pull in Identities using the new rules and settings.
    If you did not do a test sync, the Identities list is updated based on the defined rules and settings.